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Arc reactor technology theory pdf download: A review of the latest research and developments


You may notice that current fusion reactor designs have a lot of magnet coils on the outside of the torus, whereas the Stark Industries arc reactor has a viewing window. Plasma containment is the single biggest challenge for hot fusion, but the arc reactor makes it look effortless. From this, we can conclude that a key technology in the full-scale arc reactor is a way to contain the reaction in a self-sustaining ring. This line of reasoning is definitely backed up by the toroidal field lines drawn in the Stark Industries arc reactor blueprints:

arc reactor technology theory pdf download

One: the energy source is, in all practical senses, endless. Sustained fusion reactions of Hydrogen atoms on a small scale is enough to power a block of homes for their sustainable lifetime. Two: the technology is actually a possibility, and MIT believes that a real Iron Man reactor could be created by the year 2025. 2ff7e9595c

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