Popular Science (also known as PopSci) is an American digital magazine carrying popular science content, which refers to articles for the general reader on science and technology subjects. Popular Science has won over 58 awards, including the American Society of Magazine Editors awards for its journalistic excellence in 2003 (for General Excellence), 2004 (for Best Magazine Section), and 2019 (for Single-Topic Issue). With roots beginning in 1872,[2] Popular Science has been translated into over 30 languages and is distributed to at least 45 countries.[citation needed]
Popular Science - (July 2011)
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In June, 2011, President Obama announced the NRI (National Robotics Initiative), a multi-agency initiative designed to support research and development in robotics science and technology. The NRI aims to create new opportunities in diverse areas including manufacturing, healthcare, agriculture, space exploration, national defense, homeland security, civil infrastructure, and education. In 2012, the National Science Foundation, the National Institutes of Health, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, and the US Department of Agriculture issued a new NRI joint program solicitation of more than $50 million to develop the science and technology for robots that can safely co-exist and operate in close proximity to humans. Leaders from academia, industry and government have developed a roadmap for robotics research, development and education, presented to the Congressional Robotics Caucus in March 2013. 2ff7e9595c