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Software Serial Esp8266 Lua Board: Tips and Tricks for Optimizing Resource Usage and Performance

Hi there,I'm currently trying to get values from my NMEAGps connected to my ESP8266 board.I just have a simple script that reads values from the gps and prints those values into the Serial monitor.I'm facing issue concerning the serial port configuration.When I simply connect my GPS to the standard RX pin, the serial does not print correct values and prints some random chars...So I tried to use a software serial following this documentation : NeoGPS/ at master SlashDevin/NeoGPS GitHub but without success for now.. When I look up the Serial monitor, it prints correct values but the GPS does not work properly (gps.available() returns false and my fix.location.valid returns false as well).

iam sorry bt i want ask if i use the arduino uno with esp8266 what is the type of the firmware that i have to upload to the nodemcu flasher , iknow that when i use the arduino i have to type some ATcommand in the serial page to get the ip my question now when i get the ip by this way and type it in the html location this webpage will apear or not

Software Serial Esp8266 Lua Board

hi Ruiiam using the arduino with my esp8266 and iam already connect my esp8266 to my arduino to get toggle pins from the webserver to the arduino , i connected the 3.3 voltage from my arduinoafter i uploaded the code to the arduino and connected VCC and GH-PD to 3.3 voltage from my arduinoand open the serial page at 115200 baud rate its return the ip adress like that 194.164.4 but if i connect to the esp network and open the ip in the html location its type not page foundwhat ican do ?have i to connect the VCC to the source out the arduino ?i neeeeeeeeeed your helpregards

Hi,please can some one tell me how to upload a lua code to the esp8266,i just dont understand it,there not one simple tutorial any where,there so many firmwares too,and they are put in different places some have 5 bins and node mcu has one ime so confused,ive had the thing for two week now and still not got a clue,ive two of them so they musnt be faulty,ive the node mcu dev kit the yellow board v0.9 please help me.i want to use my oled ssd1306 as a user interface on it,i read node mcu firmware does it auto but i cant get it working,i think i2c is pin 5 and 6,cheers folks

There are numerous ESP8266-based development boards available. Depending on the design, you may need to install additional drivers for your USB-to-serial converter before you are able to upload code to your ESP8266.

For example, the ESP8266 NodeMCU uses the CP2102 to convert USB signals to UART signals, whereas the WeMos D1 Mini uses the CH340G. The ESP-01, on the other hand, lacks an onboard USB-to-serial converter and requires a separate module.

But, what about Arduino? The Arduino project created an open-source hardware design and software SDK for their versatile IoT controller. Similar to NodeMCU, the Arduino hardware is a microcontroller board with a USB connector, LED lights, and standard data pins. It also defines standard interfaces to interact with sensors or other boards. But unlike NodeMCU, the Arduino board can have different types of CPU chips (typically an ARM or Intel x86 chip) with memory chips, and a variety of programming environments. There is an Arduino reference design for the ESP8266 chip as well. However, the flexibility of Arduino also means significant variations across different vendors. For example, most Arduino boards do not have WiFi capabilities, and some even have a serial data port instead of a USB port.

ESP8266 IOT board comes pre-programmed with NodeMCU's lua interpretter. The Lua interpretter runs on the ESP8266 and you can type in commands and read out the results over serial. In order to upload code to the ESP8266 and use the serial console, connect any data-capable micro USB cable to the IOT board and the other side to your computer's USB port.Maybe you need to install the cp2102 USB driver,you can download driver hear.

3. Set up your Arduino IDE as: Go to File->Preferences and copy the URL below to get the ESP board manager extensions: _esp8266com_index.json Placing the http:// before the URL lets the Arduino IDE use it...otherwise it gives you a protocol error.

This article shows how to do some basic initial tests to see if a new ESP32 Devkit board is working. It also shows how to install Windows drivers for the board and how to communicate with the board from a serial port terminal program in Windows and Linux. The ESP32 Devkit board from DOIT is based on the ESP-WROOM-32 microcontroller from Espressif with integrated WiFi and Bluetooth.

In this test the serial port terminal program is connected to the ESP32 Devkit board. When a connection is made and the board is booted up, diagnostic messages and the Lua prompt will be seen in the terminal window.

It is assumed that you have followed the above instructions and are connected to the ESP32 Devkit board using Tera Term in Windows or Minicom in Linux or have connected using some other serial port terminal program.

This concludes the very basic testing of the ESP32 Devkit board. If you managed to run all of the above tests successfully, then you know that your board is powering up correctly, serial communications are working and the microcontroller is booting Lua. Also the blue LED is working which means that the microcontroller is running and responding to commands.

You can use serial, you can use i2c, spi? Or something of your own design. The problem wit using serial is the you are already using serial to communicate with the board from your PC. You can use SoftSerial on the Arduino, but not sure how you'd do it on the ESP. There are ways of making both boards work as master and slave i2c and spi, but it's probably overkill.You could use two pins, one pin sends a binary bit and the other to clock the data, set high when new data has been written and set low when it has been read.Then just use the same sort of algorithm as you did between you eps.

The first thing you need is a board with an ESP8266 chip. The MicroPythonsoftware supports the ESP8266 chip itself and any board should work. The maincharacteristic of a board is how much flash it has, how the GPIO pins areconnected to the outside world, and whether it includes a built-in USB-serialconvertor to make the UART available to your PC.

If you have a board that has a USB connector, a USB-serial convertor, and hasthe DTR and RTS pins wired in a special way then deploying the firmware shouldbe easy as all steps can be done automatically. Boards that have such featuresinclude the Adafruit Feather HUZZAH and NodeMCU boards.

Once you have the firmware on the device you can access the REPL (Python prompt)over UART0 (GPIO1=TX, GPIO3=RX), which might be connected to a USB-serialconvertor, depending on your board. The baudrate is 115200. The next part ofthe tutorial will discuss the prompt in more detail.

For this tutorial, I will use esptool to flash the micropython firmware onto the esp8266 boards. esptool is an open-source, python-based utility to communicate with the ROM bootloader, and flash the firmware onto ESP8266 and ESP32 series chips.

Esptool was used to flash the esp8266 with the micropython firmware. Thonny IDE was used to establish a serial connection with the ESP8266 Wifi module, and upload a script to make the onboard blink after sometime.

Simple (manual reset) - some simpler adapter modules do not bring the RTS signal out as an accessible output (even though the USB-to-serial chip on the board probably has it). In that case, you need to connect the GPIO_0 pin to the ground and then reset the device manually. After successful upload, you need to disconnect the GPIO_0 pin from the ground and reset again.

NodeMCU is an ESP-12E or ESP-12F based board with added power and serial circuitry. It means that if you disable the module soldered onto the NodeMCU board, you can attach an external ESP module instead of it.

The ESP-01 is very small and fits in any enclosure, so it is perfect for finished projects. The upgraded version features 1MB flash memory (the previous version had 512 kB). In addition, it offers four GPIOs to control and connect peripherals (two of which are TX and RX for serial communication). So, if you need more peripherals in your projects, it is better to use one of the previous boards.

The easiest build option is probably to use the NodeMcu Devkit v.10 (by the NodeMcu Team). Schematics and layout can be found here. This board has the ESP-12 module mounted. Just connect the radio, install gateway software and you're good to go.

Another trick is to poll a spare GPIO input pin in your startup. I do this on my boards by taking this GPIO plus Vcc to a jumper on the board, so that I can set the jumper to jump into debug mode or reprovision the software.

As began developing new MCU boards based on non-AVR processors like the ARM/SAM MCU used in the Arduino Due, they needed to modify the Arduino IDE so it would be relatively easy to change the IDE to support alternate toolchains to allow Arduino C/C++ to be compiled for these new processors. They did this with the introduction of the Board Manager and the SAM Core. A "core" is the collection of software components required by the Board Manager and the Arduino IDE to compile an Arduino C/C++ source file for the target MCU's machine language. Some ESP8266 enthusiasts developed an Arduino core for the ESP8266 WiFi SoC, popularly called the "ESP8266 Core for the Arduino IDE".[18] This has become a leading software development platform for the various ESP8266-based modules and development boards, including NodeMCUs. 2ff7e9595c

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